Vinnie Paul Memorial Celebration Takes Place in Las Vegas

It’s no secret that the late Vinnie Paul (RIP) loved Las Vegas, the place he called home. One particular club in a corner of Sin City honored this proud resident posthumously with a shrine dedicated to him, just inside The Golden Tiki. This isn’t the first that the tiki-themed bar and hangout spot off the Strip has done something in honor of the Pantera/Hellyeah heavy metal drummer – last year, their “Cabinet of Curiosities” collection of celebrity shrunken heads by Smithsonian artist Terry Barr grew with the addition of Vinnie Paul’s shrunken head, in true tiki culture fashion. This week, The Golden Tiki took that a step further by creating an entire shrine dedicated to Vinnie Paul, with a late-night event attended by Vinnie’s girlfriend, Hellyeah bandmates, friends, and fans, all gathering on November 11th to pay tribute to the icon. The Las Vegas Review Journal has the full story.
For rockers and metalheads in the Vegas area, or those who may be planning a trip, be sure to stop by and pay your respects at The Golden Tiki’s shrine of Vinnie Paul, in honor of the music and the memories.