
Feature: NAMM 2020

NAMM is massive. Both in literal size and in the level of an experience it provides. You can walk for what feels like miles and still not get from one end of the Anaheim Convention Center to the other, yet still have enough of an experience to fill your four days there. Whether you’re walking through the raucous roar of the drum room, the lilting symphonic sounds of the classical instrument rooms, the eye-catching visuals of the DJ booths, or the dissonance of an multitude of guitars being played in a variety of styles all at once, there’s always something […]

NAMM Interview: Mats Levén

You may know Mats Levén from Candlemass, from Trans-Siberian Orchestra, from Yngwie Malmsteen, or any of the multitude of projects he’s been involved in, but you may not have known that he’s also the face behind the solo project known as Skyblood, on Napalm Records. I sat down with him at NAMM for an interview about what’s behind Skyblood, as well as some insight into his songwriting techniques, and NAMM 2020 goings-on.  How are you doing, enjoying your day at NAMM? I’m fine, I’ve only been here for two hours, so I’ve only been to the Marshall booth and Gibson, […]

NAMM Interview: Tobi Morelli

Archspire have their follow-up to the Technical Death Metal sensation Relentless Mutation, in the works – we’ll see if this one also gets picked up by the YouTube bot – and I sat down with guitarist Tobi Morelli for a quick Q&A at NAMM.  Just want to start out by asking, how are your NAMM activities going? Pretty awesome, also crazy, it’s a lot to take in, I think this is maybe the fourth or fifth time I’ve been here, and it’s always a good time, but there’s just so much going on, it’s hard just to catch our breath, between […]

NAMM Interview: Simon Hawemann

Nightmarer is getting ready to follow up on their 2018 full-length debut Cacophony of Terror via Season of Mist later this year, and I sat down with guitarist/journalist Simon Hawemann during NAMM to learn more about this up-and-coming death metal band. I want to dig right into Nightmarer so people can get to know more about this band. Harsh chaos and cacophony defines the sound of Nightmarer, musically, what drove you guys to what you like to call “total dissonance worship”? What is that to you? I think it’s just something that over the years I started gravitating towards, trying […]

NAMM Interview: Hugo Doyon-Karout

Hugo Doyon-Karout has plenty to do as a young bassist, splitting his time between three bands, including Beyond Creation, Brought By Pain, and Equipoise, plus work as a tour manager. I sat down with him at NAMM for a quick Q&A on all his work in the metal world. We’re here at NAMM, so I have to start off by asking what you’re doing today at the show. Just having fun, hanging out with my friends in Equipoise, catching up with friends, I just performed at the Neural DSP booth, that’s been a blast. So yeah, making connections, being here […]

NAMM Interview: Timo Somers

Timo Somers, metal guitarist and Aristides Instruments enthusiast, was representing his favorite brand at their booth at NAMM this year, and I had the chance to speak with him about his NAMM/Aristides experience and musical ventures both in and outside of Delain.  Here with Timo Somers at the Aristides guitar booth, want to start off by asking, what’s your connection with Aristides guitars? Well, I’ve been playing their guitars for like seven years now, and I was one of the first artists that they got, and then the brand grew so much, and then I came to be an Artist […]