Operation: Mindcrime To Complete Concept Trilogy with New Album

One by one and once a year since 2015, Operation: Mindcrime has been releasing each chapter of a premeditated musical trilogy through a series of concept albums. The Geoff Tate-fronted band began with The Key, Operation: Mindcrime’s debut that formed the foundation on Frontiers Music Srl and paved the way for a part two in Resurrection. This 2016 follow-up led to a music video featuring Blaze Bayley and Tim “Ripper” Owens alongside the former Queensrÿche frontman for the track “Taking On The World”, as well as a spin-off tour highlighting the collaboration known as Trinity. Now, it’s time for the third and final part to complete the trilogy, and the upcoming record The New Reality will be out via Frontiers on December 1st. The New Reality will feature many returning musicians who have formed the basis for the Operation: Mindcrime band across all three albums – alongside Geoff Tate, the lineup consists of: Kelly Gray, John Moyer, Simon Wright, Scott Mercado, Scott Moughton, Brian Tichy, and Mike Ferguson. Cover art for the 12-track The New Reality album has already been revealed, and can be seen below:
The New Reality is available for pre-order in CD and Vinyl form via the Frontiers Music Shop. Further details on the new release from Operation: Mindcrime are still on the way and you can keep an eye out for more info via: https://www.facebook.com/operationmindcrimeband/.