KXM Brings King’s X, Lynch Mob, and KoRn Members Together for a Second Album

Super group KXM has a second album set for release – consisting of drummer Ray Luzier of KoRn, guitarist George Lynch of Lynch Mob and vocalist dUg Pinnick of King’s X, the band has come together once again, this time to record Scatterbrain. KXM’s 2014 self-titled debut was a successful release that made it onto the Billboard Top 200 charts at #31, and the musically diverse Scatterbrain is the follow-up to that record. With 13 brand-new tracks and the return of engineer Chris “The Wizard” Collier (Flotsam & Jetsam, Prong, Last In Line), the sophomore record of KXM has a release date of March 17th, 2017.
The recording of Scatterbrain was one closer to a jam session than what might be considered the typical writing and recording processes of an album, according to the band members. Vocalist dUg Pinnick says, “We wrote all the songs right on the spot and immediately recorded them, everyone doing his part and no one telling the other one what or how to play, just like the previous album!”, and drummer Ray Luzier adds, “We wanted to use the same formula as the 1st KXM record…book studio time, come in fresh every day with a new idea, run with it and not over think anything” .
Guitarist George Lynch comments, “Basically it was “Record-topia”, we showed up in the studio, camped out with a bunch of gear and let the tape roll! Just like the first album, no pre-production, no rehearsal, no pre-written songs, every song was written as a product of an in-studio jam session!”
KXM’s album Scatterbrain is available for pre-order now, with several options for merch bundles and even a chance to win a special giveaway. All the information on the pre-order and on KXM can be found here, at the Rat Pak Records website.