Dee Snider Unleashes Brand-New Music Video

Dee Snider has just unleashed a brand-new music video, the sixth to come off of last year’s successful Jamey Jasta-produced Napalm Records release, For The Love of Metal. “Lies Are A Business” is the track, and who better to describe the concept than Dee Snider himself?: “The socio-political message of ‘Lies Are a Business’ is more important at this moment in time than ever before. The movement toward more controlling, all-powerful governments continues to grow and the current nightmarish situation in Venezuela is emblematic of the direction our world is sadly heading in. The incredible video for this song by award winning director Leo Liberti of Liberta Filmes truly captures my message with powerful metaphoric imagery while taking nothing away from the metallic power of the song!” You can check out the video right here. Dee Snider has also just announced a new run of tour dates for South America, Europe, and the U.S. Visit: for all the info.