Witherfall Takes “Nocturnes and Requiems” Track by Track

L.A.’s own Witherfall made their debut late last year, with their self-released record Nocturnes and Requiems. Produced by the band and boasting credits like Chris “Zeuss” Harris (Queensrÿche, Hatebreed, Rob Zombie) mixing and artwork by Kristian Wåhlin (King Diamond, Dissection, Bathory), the appearance of the Power Metal-esque album has been making ripples on the metal scene, and now the band has released a track-by-track breakdown of the whole record with guitarist Jake Dreyer and vocalist Joseph Michael. You can find it right here: http://geargods.net/behind-the-scenes/witherfall-track-by-track-breakdown-of-debut-album-nocturnes-and-requiems/, and Nocturnes and Requiems along with other merch is available to order on Witherfall’s website.